Here i stand all by myself, with no droogs, no one, just I and my dirthy toughts. No limits to fly too, no boundries not to imagine, everithin sweet, violent and obscene. Nothing more sweet then the sounds of Ludvic Van, oh, lovely sound indeed, my friend!
Lust Lust,Lust - Sylvia Chid (© 2006)
Am sa incep acest post prin a spune ca nu, repet NU vreau sa fac o recenzie la acest film (9 Songs) !
Defapt vroiam sa scriu cum am terminat eu de vizionat filmul si cum mi-am dat eu seama ca practic n-am mai vazut un film bun de un car de ani.
Ideea in sine e urmatoarea, nu e un film ca oricare altul si emotiile pe care le transmite sunt multe peste cele pe care ti le tansmite un film "standard" si pe deaspra "it's kinky as hell" !
Merci D ca mi l-ai recomandat !
The Cat Piano from PRA on Vimeo.
Becouse DSC00001.jpg sometime is funny, sometime's not.
Nu spun nici un cuvant si nu aberez cu nici o teorie...clipu spune si arata tot !
He,he, ai fost naspa, am fost si eu...
Mi-ai dat unwatch la blog iar eu la schimb ti-am dat unfriend pe FBsi te-am scos din lista de mess.....MUHUHAHA(evil laugh), ce gest matur din partea mea, mda, mda...
Cu dedicatie pentru tine ( daca ma mai urmaresti, nu de alta da sa te simti !)
Spero brevi estis, volo insanus ero vobis Karma ultimus judex !
You produced Miley Cyrus. Bieber is your punishment.
Sincerely, Canada
Sorry to hear about the global warming. Karma's a bitch.
Sincerely, The Titanic
Your books are entirely unrealistic. I mean, a ginger kid with two friends?
Sincerely, Anonymous
I can make your girlfriend scream louder than you can.
Sincerely, Spiders
So they screwed up your nose too?
Sincerely, Michael Jackson
So I hear the best rapper is white and the president is black? WTF happened?!
Sincerely, 1985
Ariel would really love her voice back.
Sincerely, King Triton
There was definitely room on that raft for the both of us.
Sincerely, Jack
Can't touch this.
Sincerely, That Little Triangle
If it is of any interest to you, Romeo and Juliet both kill themselves in the end.
Sincerely, Shakespeare
Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z!
Sincerely, Vuvuzelas
I liked it, so I put a ring on it.
Sincerely, God
Sincerely, Colorblind
Please tell me how you managed to stop at three Ho's.
Sincerely, Tiger Woods
I. Can't. Breathe.
Sincerely, Your Balls
I have a dream within a dream within a dream within another dream... What now?
Sincerely, Leonardo DiCaprio
I had to join the army, dress up like a man, defeat the hun army and totally save China for my man.
All you had to do was wake up.
Sincerely, Mulan
My death isn't the only thing I've been faking...
Sincerely, Juliet
So far, no news about foxes.
Sincerely, Unimpressed
Abstinence is only 99.99% effective.
Sincerely, The Virgin Mary
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn?
Sincerely, Toast
I really hope that one day, I can find my way into your heart.
Sincerely, a stake
You've got some explaining to do!
Sincerely, Cinderella, Snow White, Rapunzel, and Sleeping Beauty
De ceva vreme incoace, zbor...
E ceva ce se manifesta in interior si imi da pulsatii de andrenalina si endorfina, ma face fericit in adevaratul sens si ma duce in culmea exta(s)zului.
E placerea suprema pentru orice hedonist, e placerea greu de exprimat in cuvinte...
Last Walk Around Mirror Lake - Boom Bip (Boards of Canada Remix) from FroschYankee on Vimeo.
Si mi-am dat seama cat de mici suntem noi, oamenii...
Instead of wastead gifts around
Instead of losing all we have
Instead of dreaming of a man you'll never have
You'd better breathe with me and feel...
Instead of planning and debating
Instead of shaping my own dreams
Instead of dreaming of a son you'll never have
You'd better breathe with me and feel...
You can buy me with a coffee
I'm so cheap...
Instead of letting distance talk
Instead of losing all we have
Instead of dreaming of a man I'll never be
You'd better breathe with me and feel...
Instead of juding day and night
Instead of wasted time on both sides
Instead of guessing what the hell went wrong with me
You'd better breathe with me and feel...
You can buy me wïth a coffee
I'm so cheap...
Sunt momente in viata noastra in care pur si simplu nu mai intelegem ceea ce e in jurul nostru si atunci, incet, cedam, dam drumu' nebuniei si nu ne mai aducem aminte nimic din ce ar trebui sa ne tina in picioare .
Sunt moment pe care o minte slaba nu le mai intelege si se afunda intr-un abis al dispaerarii si al chinului, nu un abis al emotiei placute care te face sa fi cu adevarat uman, adica sa simti, sa iubesti, sa traieti, atunci, cand si ingerii plang.